2022 Outstanding Students of the Year

Princess Jintcon Colegrove
Environmental Studies
For Princess, every moment of her time and every fiber of her being is oriented to what might be called “community service” in this award context, but is perhaps better captured by the concept “indigenous revitalization and community healing.” She has been actively serving her community since she was at least 16. As an enrolled Hoopa tribal member (also Yurok/Karuk), she has been a role...

Julia Jones
Sociology and Native American Studies
Julia Jones, a William Randolph Hearst Scholar for the CSU, has shown a commitment to community service and to integrating her studies in Native American Studies and Sociology through volunteering and working for various community projects that serve Native American youth. For the past two years, she has served as a Teaching Assistant for NAS 104 assisting Dr. Kaitlin Reed as part of...
2022 Category Winners
Excellence in Arts Humanities & Social Sciences
Excellence in Natural Resources & Sciences
Excellence in Professional Studies
Outstanding Individual Artistic Achievement in Visual & Performing Arts

Makani Kawai Anuhea O'akua Bright
Music Performance and Applied Mathematics Double Major
Outstanding Student Research
Patricia O. McConkey Outstanding Graduate Student
Al Elpusan Award for Student Activism
Excellence in Club Sports

Michael Carlo Castellino
Environmental Resource Engineering
Men's Crew (Rowing)