Roman Sotomayor

Philosophy and Religious Studies

Nominated By: Jenessa Lund, Kayla R. Begay, Casey Park, Dan Perez-Sornia,  Dr. Brandilynn Villarreal, Psychology, CPS Diversity Equity Fellow Dr. Kim White, Chemistry, CRNS Diversity Equity Fellow Dr. Nikola Hobbel, English, DEIC Member Dr. Edelmira Reynoso, Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, DEIC Co-chair Kim Vincent-Layton, Center for Teaching and Learning, Chair of the Inclusive Teaching Subcommittee of the DEIC

In the words of his nominator...

Roman has served the student body for the past two academic years. He first began serving as a student rep. on the A.S. Student Health Advisory; and Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Committees.  Roman was elected as the A.S. Social Justice and Equity Officer for 2020-2021. He is a member of the A.S. Bylaws Committee, the A.S. Finance Committee, the A.S. Executive Committee, the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee, the Campus Safety and Policing Task Force, and the Graduate Pledge Alliance. He was on the hiring committee for the Associate Vice President for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion and Campus Diversity Officer for HSU where he led the student open forums. He has authored/collaborated on numerous resolutions that advocate for a better educational experience and campus environment. He has not only led a coalition-based effort aimed at uniting campus departments in developing a socially just campus, but has worked with other groups such as the Student Health Center to bring sharps disposal containers to ADA bathrooms on campus.

Affiliation: Club, Program, or Sport: 
Associated Students
Award Year: